Saturday, May 31, 2008

Super Saturday Shopping

DH didn't have to work today so he let me go out shopping alone. So much easier done without "I wants" and "can I haves" following me around, or chasing thing 2 through the aisles! So my total spent today was $11.29. What does $11.29 buy you ask? Here it is broken down by store:
Walgreens (Greenwals as thing 1 calls it)
Chex Mix
3 cans of Pringles


Honey Bunches of Oats w/Chocolate
2 jars of Vlassic pickles
1 Post-It flags
4 Kotex
Total: They paid me 5 cents!!


2 packs travel Hello Kitty Band-Aids
3 Satin Care Shave Gels
2 Stouffer's Family Size Mac & Cheese

Total: $8.34

Friday, May 30, 2008

CVS Supa-dupa Sta!

Great week for me at CVS!! I'm still rolling ECBs with plenty to get me into June! Total OOP for the week: $7.05
Total Savings for the week: $261.97
ECBs Left Over: $36.10

Here is the Breakdown:
May 25, 2007

Transaction 1

24.7 Facial Scrub $15.99
CoverGirl Eyeshadow $ 1.75 x2
CoverGirl Compact $ 2.89
CoverGirl Blush $ 7.49
Revlon Nail Polish $ 2.29
Crunch Bar $ 0.50

Total: $32.66

Minus coupons:
$4/$20 skin care/cosmetic purchase (printed on receipt)
$3/$15 purchase
$2.50 2 covergirl products
$1.00 1 covergirl product
$7.49 free blush with 3 covergirl products
$14.58 ECB

Total OOP $1.11

ECBs earned: $10 (should have gotten $3 for revlon, still working on that)

Transaction 2

FreeStyle Monitor $10.00 (for father-in-law)
CVS Allergy Meds $ 3.79 x2

Total: $17.58

Minus coupons:
$3/$15 purchase
$13.98 ECB

Total OOP $ 0.66
ECBs Earned $17.58

May 27, 2008

Transaction 1

Bounty Basic Paper Towels $4.99
Helmann's Mayo $3.00
Skippy PB $1.50 x2
Ragu $1.50
Lipton Tea-to-go $3.00

Total: $15.49

Minus Coupons
$3/$15 purchase
$.60 Helmann's
$.75 Ragu
$.25 Bounty
$14 ECB

Total OOP $2.70

ECBs Earned $3
** I am very confused b/c I know I bought 2 Whitman's Soho Chocolates on sale for $2.50 each and used 2 $2 coupons but it is not on my receipt.

Transaction 2

Freestyle Monitor $10
CVS Allergy Meds $3.79
Aquafresh TP $2.99

Total: $16.78

Minus Coupons:
$3/$15 purchase
$12.79 ECB

Total OOP: $1.08

ECBs Earned: $16.78

May 28,2008

5 Skippy PB $7.50
1 Lipton Tea $3.00
1 CVS Allergy $3.79
1 CVS Backpack Buddies Antibacterial wipes $1.49

Total: $15.78

Minus Coupons:
$3/$15 purchase
$.60 tea
$1.59 Backpack Buddies (free coupon from CVS in my email)
$10 ECB

Total OOP: $1.50

ECBs Earned $6.79

I am part of CVS Superstars at The Centsible Sawyer, for more great deals check her out!

Bi-Lo Bonanza!

Total Cost for All Items: $53.41, Total Savings $43.78
Earned 1 Milk Token (I have enough for a free gallon!!) & 2 Gas Tokens (1 more to go)

I do not believe that we have ever in the 6 years of our marriage had our cabinets and fridge/freezer overflowing the way that it is now. And its cost less than $200 to get it that way. I feel so blessed. I feel rich!!

PS ... Had to run into Target tonight to get Tylenol for DD2 (she spikes super high fevers when teething) and grabbed the last 4 jars of 51 cent applesauce! My girls love their sauce!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fireproof My Marriage

WOW!! 5 posts in one day! I told you that Wednesdays were my blogging days!

Have you guys seen the previews for this new movie, Fireproof? I cannot wait til it comes out! I am so excited about another clean, wholesome, inspiring, convicting, the-list-could-go-on-and-on movie from the producers of Facing the Giants. You must go and visit this link and watch the trailer and when it comes out in theaters you should have reserved tickets ready to go! Kirk Cameron is such a great actor and an even better person. When he read the script he volunteered to do the movie for free! I've been in love with this guy since I was 5!! You know you remember the great Mike Seaver from Growing Pains. What a wonderful tool! There will be a widget for the movie at the bottom of my page until it comes out. Please check it out!


Have I Ever Mentioned that Target Rocks???

Look at this loot!! Total cost, $8.50!!!!

Look at those two proud babies! They love to see me coming though the door with bags full of goodies!! Here is a list of the finds:
5 Packs Mott's Strawberry No Sugar Added Single Serve Applesauce @ 51 cents each
3 BOGO packs of Sunsilk Shampoo @ 2.99 each
4 Life Waters @ 1.00 each
1 Stouffer's Family Size Mac & Cheese @ 3.98
1 Colgate Max Fresh Toothpaste w/ 2 travel sizes @ 1.58 each

Used 2 $1 off purchase of 2 Motts Applesauce
Used 3 $1.50 off Sunsilk from recent insert
Used 3 $1.00 off Sunsilk Target coupon attached to bottles
Used 2 BOGO Life Water
Used 1 $1.00 off Stouffer's
Used 1 $1.00 off Colgate manu
Used 1 $1.00 off Colgate Target coupon

I plan on going back tomorrow because they just did new mark-downs and I didn't have time to see them all.

I <3 Target!!!

CVS Cashier is the NICEST I've Met

Tonight my friend Chara and I took some time away from the kiddies and husbands to do our couponing. We both made major deals at CVS (I'll save all the deals for Friday to post at The Centsible Sawyer) and our cashier made it a very pleasant experience.
Stacy was impressed and asked us if we played "the game." We thought she was referring to the drug store game but she was actually referring to something else. I told her that we played a different kind of game and gave her links to both mine & Denise's blogs. Those are the only two addresses I know off the top of my head and she will be able to link to all you other money saving mommas from our blogs.
So thanks again Stacy, and good luck with couponing!

Wednesday Wonders

I changed the name of the game for myself because Wednesday seems to be the one day when I have time to blog. Therefore "wordless" does not work for me.
Without further ado ... a wonderous picture for Wednesday,my little pirate princess who doesn't do anything!

CVS Extra Care Points

Does anyone know how the point system works? Like how many ECBs do you get back per # of points? Thanks for the help!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Coupon Venting

OK, so do any of y'all have trouble with coupons? Like alot of trouble?? CVS was just not working for me tonight! I went with the intention of finishing out May monthly deals and I wanted to use up some expiring coupons. I also had a raincheck to get the $10 ECBs from the Hawaiian Tropic deal but they would not honor the raincheck, said I would have to use it at the store that issued it. They also denied other coupons that were perfectly usable. I called customer service and they said that it was up to the store if they wanted to honor coupons or rainchecks. Bummer! Oh well, I did pretty well at CVS this morning. I was just hoping for another good run!
I also did not get the $3 in ECBs from the Revlon nail polish that I bought on Sunday. Apparently CVS was having technical difficulties when I called because he could not verify my purchase, he said to call back tomorrow.
OK, I'm done now.

Target Rocks

Sunsilk Shampoo is buy one, get one free (pre-wrapped) at Target, price is $2.99. There is a $1.00 off Target coupon attached. Add the coupon for $1.50 off from recent insert and your new total is 50 cents for 2 bottles of Sunsilk!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Have you signed up for the gardening e-newsletter from Home Depot? If not, you surely should!

I signed up a week or so ago and received my first newsletter this week. In the newsletter is a printable coupon for buy one shrub, get one free. Being the gorgeous Saturday that it was today we headed out to Home Depot. I browsed and browsed and finally decided to use my BOGO coupon on Knock-Out Roses. I purchased two 2 gallon buckets for a total cost of $18 and some change. The cashier was knocked out by my dealings and asked where I had gotten the coupon. I told her about the newsletter but she doesn't have email so no coupons for her.

Now, off you go, get your BOGO Home Depot coupons!

Knock out Roses

Friday, May 23, 2008

Making Money at CVS

There weren't a whole lot of things that I wanted to get from CVS this week. I did the Coke deal and then I used some monthly deals to make more ECBs for the future. Boy-howdy, do I love CVS! I am so excited about my money makers this week! I am stocked back up on ECBs and can't wait for the June deals to start!

Here is the breakdown minus a picture (disappointing I know) because I am too lazy to dig all the stuff back out and take a shot!


4 Diet Dr Pepper 12 packs $12
Tums Quick Pack $4.69

Total $16.69

$3/15 CVS - 3.00
$1/2 Dr Ps x2 - 2.00
$1/Tums - 1.00
ECBs - 8.68

OOP $ 2.64

Earned ECBs $ 7.69

I could have used more ECBs and paid nothing out of pocket but I wanted to save them.


Transaction 1
2 Oral-B Toothbrushes 1.99 (3.98)
1 Colgate 360 TB 3.99
1 Orapik 2.79
1 Adidas Deodorant 4.99
3 Whitman Samplers 2.25 (6.75)

Subtotal $22.50

minus: $3/15 CVS coupon (I wasn't planning on finding the whitmans on clearance or i would have used a $4/$20)
$1 on 2 Oral-Bs
$1 on Colgate
$ 4.99 on Adidas
$ 2.00 on Whitman's x3
$ 4.69 ECB

Total Out of Pocket $1.82
Earned $13.77 in ECBs

Transaction 2
2 Oral-B Toothbrushes 1.99 (3.98)
1 Colgate 360 TB 3.99
1 Orapik 2.79
1 Adidas Deodorant 4.99

Subtotal $15.75

minus: $3/15 CVS coupon
$1 on 2 Oral-Bs
$1 on Colgate
$ 4.99 on Adidas
$ 5.58 ECB

Total Out of Pocket $0.84

Earned $ 13.77 in ECBs

I now have over $26 in ECBs saved for future purchases! My receipt tells me I have saved over $400 this year. Actually, I have only been shopping at CVS for a month! Over $400 in savings in 1 month!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

All sunshine and lemons

First, I want to ask you all to remember The Chapman Family in the tragic loss of their 5 year old daughter, Maria, on Wednesday. What a sad time for this family, I can only imagine what they are going through at this time.

Secondly, it was the most beautiful, sun-shiney, perfectly warm day and on top of that my lemon tree came today! It smelled so lemony! I will have to call Springhill Nursery tomorrow though as it did not come with a plant guide and I sure don't know how to raise a lemon tree. If you haven't picked up your $20 in free products, head on over there now.

Thirdly, I was able to pick up the free trunk organizers that our new Super Bi-Lo was giving away this morning! How wonderfully well they work in keeping my groceries from sliding all over!

I know how well the organizers work because I was able to test them out with trips to CVS and Food Lion tonight. I'll save the CVS deals for tomorrow, but I must brag about the Food Lion trips.
Tonight I bought just under 19 lbs of hamburger meat, 1 gerber sippy cup, 3 packs of kraft singles & 1 ceasar salad kit for $24! I am loving Food Lion.
And in case you had planned on buying the 99 cent/lb hamburger meat and the Kraft cheese that is on sale, there is a Blinkie in the meat section for $1 off Kraft singles w/meat purchase. Combine that with the $1 off Kraft coupon from the Food Lion website and you get free cheese!
Free is great!

Again, please remember Steven Curtis & Mary Beth Chapman & family in the loss of little Maria Sue.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

SUPER Bi-Lo Trip!!

I am very disappointed to say that I did not get a $25 gift card for my efforts this morning. I think we were about the 150thish persons to go through the door. We scoped it out, bought milk (earning a milk token) and then left. I went home and finished my coupon book.

I just lost over half my post. Here is the quick version.

Subtotal before savings, $117. Subtotal after savings, $43. I paid $51 on the nose for all of the groceries and more (frozen/refrigerated items not shown) and earned one gas token. I only need 3 more to get a $25 gas card!!

Happy savings!

Wordless Wednesday

Not Too Shabby Coupon Organizer

I am so indubitably excited about my new coupon organizer. My previous one was on its last leg and was busting open at the seams. I have been reading and thinking and thinking and well, too much thinking never did a person much good. So, I stopped thinking and started looking for my perfect coupon organizer. I looked at Target & Bed, Bath & Beyond last night and found nothing that struck my fancy. Well, nothing except a cute Shabby Chic binder on clearance at Target. I went home and the wheels started turning. I went back to Target tonight and purchased said binder along with baseball card protector sheets, index dividers and index tabs. Put it all together and what have you got?
A super cool, and pretty, coupon organizer!
I made several different categories and then there are sub-categories. Each category is in alphabetical order so it will be easy for me to find what I am looking for. I am really happy to have it almost completely finished, I ran out of baseball card pages, because our new Super Bi-Lo opens tomorrow. I am getting up bright and early in hopes of getting a $25 gift card!
How do you organize your coupons?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Razors and Haircuts, Not at the Same Time

Our Target has a Shick Intuition Razor w/3 count cartridge refill (total of 4 cartridges) on clearance for $8.48. I picked one up tonight and used the $4 of Shick Quattro coupon and paid just over $5!! I am really excited about this deal. I know I could have earned bucks back on the Quattro at CVS but I am happy to have gotten the extra cartridges for so cheap.

Also on clearance at Target, Crest Pro-health Night Mouthwash, $3.83, includes a smaller size bottle. I used the 75 cent coupon from P&G to make the deal even better.

Tonight I cut DD1's hair for the second time ever. It is cute. A little shorter than what I was going for but that is what happens when her head is bouncing like it has Flubber spread on it.

Friday, May 16, 2008

CVS Deals & Other wonderful bargains!

Here is my CVS Superstar rundown for Denise over at The Centsible Sawyer. You can be a CVS Superstar too, we are famous!

This picture is not a true representation of everything for I cannot even remember for the life of me exactly what all I bought this week. My deals are all running together. I did the Hershey's deal, and lots of toothpaste deals, and I still want to get another photobook. I know that it cost me less than $5 out of pocket total and that I still have atleast $20 in ECBs to keep me rolling. I did try the Hawaiian Tropic lip balm again at another store tonight and I was blocked yet again.

Tonight though I was very happy with the jackpot of Burt's Bees goodies that I found on clearance; full size diaper cream (72 cents), lip balm (32 cents), & peppermint shower soap (25 cents). Also on the clearance table I found a 3 pack Cobalt gum for 99 cents and a pack of dumdums & a pack of wax bottles for 24 cents each (DDs treats for being so pleasant and patient during that first trip to CVS). Tonights deals also included the Shick intuition (song is now running through my head), more toothpaste, tums & 5 12 packs of coca-cola products. This week has proven to be very fruitful for me.

In otherly news about saving money I went to Food Lion and bought groceries for the first time ever this week. Thanks again to Denise for sharing the coupon love. I spent $20 which bought 4 packs of yogurt, 1 pack kraft cheese singles, deli chocolate chip cookies (free), deli chocolate cake (free), salad, Cover Girl lip slicks (free), a gerber sippy cup, and huggies clean team bath mits (2 boxes totaled 28 cents!). I think I will go back :)

Bi-Lo is doing their gas tokens deal again where 8 tokens gets you a $25 gas card. I went in with a goal to spend $50 & get one gas token. It ended up taking me an hour and a half to spend $50 and I left with 4 gas tokens!! Best deals included General Mills cereal for $1.25 a box (4 boxes earned 1 token & I bought 8), 15 bottles of Powerade for 50 cents each, & Huggies Lavendar body was less than a dollar.

I am very pleased with my shopping experiences this week. How did you do?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

When Life Gives You Lemons ...

You get super excited because they were practically free!! I was browsing blogs today and saw where someone (I am so sorry, I do not remember who) had ordered a free blueberry kit from Springhill Nurseries. She had updated to say that the deal was no longer in effect but I decided to try it out anyways. Guess what? Its still a go ... I think she no longer had the deal on her computer since she had already used it because it is no longer on mine.

The deal is you can get $20 off a purchase and you pay only shipping. I purchased an Improved Meyer Lemon Tree! Total cost, $7.95!!

I cannot wait to get my little lemon tree kit! How fantastic will it be to walk out on my back deck and grab some lemons for a big pitcher of lemonade or for cooking! I am so excited! Click on over there and order something soon.
P.S - Its good time to order because they are having a penny sale!
P.P.S - So much for having a Wordless Wednesday ... I don't think I've ever had a wordless day in my life! :)

Hawaiian Tropic Response

Thank you for contacting us regarding your interest in Hawaiian Tropic Ozone Sport Citrus lip Balm SPF45+. The product is not recalled and it is still available.

Sincerely, Hawaiian Tropic Consumer Affairs

So this is supposed to be a wordless Wednesday but I wanted to share the response I got from Hawaiian Tropic. I guess I can call CVS back and ask them to explain further. I'm sure they still won't do anything about it, but I guess it won't hurt to try.

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

CVS Woes

Apparently some people have been have super-duper luck at CVS with the Hawaiian Tropic lip balms. My oldest daughter got braces for her legs today which gave me the opportunity to check out 2 new CVSes (finding the silver lining in those gloomy clouds)! I finally found the H.T lip balm and was so excited that I was going to get the great deal! I go to check out, ECBs in hand, and they wouldn't ring up. The cashier just rang them up as some generic item. I asked if I would still get ECBs since it wasn't in the computer as a H.T product. She said no and asked the manager about it. So the manager looks at it and says that the reason it is not ringing up is because the item has been blocked! They wouldn't sell it to me at all! I asked why it was blocked and she said she had no idea. So I asked for the main store manager's name & number so I could call tomorrow. She gave it to me but said that he wouldn't know either that the home office puts those blocks out. I called the CVS customer service line and asked them about. When I told the girl that it was blocked and they wouldn't sell it to me she said that was the craziest thing she had ever heard. She put me on hold to see what the deal was and she came back and said that it must be about to be recalled and that is why the block was put on it.
Has anyone else had this trouble??
I am going to call Hawaiian Tropic tomorrow and ask them about it. Sounds fishy to me!

My poor shopping trips didn't end there. I hit the CVS nearest my house on my way home tonight to pick up the CVS allergy meds and the CVS toothbrushes. I bought 2 meds & 1 3 pack of toothbrushes since the ad said they were buy 2 get 1 free. I didn't get one free. And no ECBs on the toothbrushes. I am guessing the hidden deal is over.

I spent 8 cents out of pocket and earned $7.58 ECB. I think I spent just under $8 ECB so I had a small loss. Hopefully I can plan better trips this week and maybe find sellable lip balm!


I am Becky. I am 27 years old and am married to the most fabulous husband, Adam. We just celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary just over a week ago. We have two gorgeous daughters here on earth, ages 4 & almost 2, and one precious little girl in heaven who went to be with her Creator at 19 weeks into my pregnancy. Our 4 year old has a mild form of ataxic cerebral palsy. She is very intelligent, beautiful, tenderhearted, silly, and well, wonderful! Our 21 month old daughter is a ball of fire! She has such a great personality; lots of energy, crazy sense of humor, brilliant. Maybe I am a bit biased, but really they are wonderful little girls.
I am a Christian. I was saved by God's grace at the age of 12. We belong to a wonderful independent baptist church where we have made many dear friends over the last 6 years. Everyday is another step heavenward. I know that I am bound for the kingdom and I cannot wait to go! I cannot wait to see my precious baby & hold her again, to meet my Savior face to face, to never hurt again.
My newest past time is saving money! Wow, I am totally addicted to CVS! I love couponing! I get such a high walking out the door of a store knowing I saved our family some major moo-lah. I enjoy scrapbooking, sewing, quilting, baking/decorating cakes, working in the yard ... ya know, anything Martha Stewartish.
Welcome to my blog! I hope you can stop by often and say hello!