Monday, January 17, 2011

100th Day of School - Book List

 One Hundred Hungry Ants  Pinczes, Elinor J.

 One Potato : A Counting Book of Potato Prints    Pomeroy, Diana

 100 Days of School    Harris, Trudy

 100th Day Worries   Cuyler, Margery.

 Emily's First 100 Days of School    Wells, Rosemary.

 100 Days of Cool    Murphy, Stuart J.,

 Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3   Martin, Bill

 100 School Days     Rockwell, Anne F.

One Hundred Days (Plus One)    McNamara, Margaret.

 Centipede's 100 Shoes    Ross, Tony.
The Very Kind Rich Lady and Her One Hundred Dogs   Lee, Chinlun

  100 Birds and How They Got Their Names    Wells, Diana,

 Georgia O'Keeffe : One Hhundred Flowers    O'Keeffe, Georgia

 Hetty's 100 Hats    Slingsby, Janet.
 Curious George Learns to Count From 1 to 100
 100 Ways To Celebrate 100 Days   Goldstone, Bruce.

1 comment:

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Thanks for joining WMCIR with this great list of 100 day books. One of our favorites is a book of short poems called "Counting Our Way to 100th Day" by Betsy Franco.