Sunday, October 19, 2008


Its been a while since I've posted my CVS deals but they had some good ones with their two day sale. It ends tomorrow so you still have time to grab some goodies!

My total out of pocket was .94 cents! I pretty much rolled my ECBs, might have lost a dollar but still did well!

4 Pumpkin Pails
2 Glow Sticks
4 Bags of Autumn Mix
2 Bottles Excedrin Tension Headache
4 Double Packs GUM toothbrushes
1 Colgate Kids Toothpaste (clearance for 75 cents, had 75 cent coupon)
1 Powerade

1 comment:

Becky said...

You got all that for 94 cents!?! You are my hero. I don't have a CVS anywhere nearby... at least I have never seen one.