Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Froggy Bloggy Soggy Woggy

So far this school year Kennedy and I have been reviewing what she learned last year in Hooked on Phonics. We started with the Kindergarten box and didn't quite finish it. She is making lots of progress but is far from the reader I want her to be. We took a break from HOP and did book 1 from Explode the Code. I've really enjoyed both programs.

I made these flash cards last school year to help her with her (mainly) ending sounds. We flip through them and she says them. I want her to be able to know what the letters say without having to stop and sound them out.

Today I decided to put contact paper on them and let her make words. She would tell me the sound and then I would tell her what word to turn it into.

She thought it was lots of fun! For the word pants I had her turn (an) into ant. Then I asked her to turn (ant) into pants. Her face lit up every time she changed the word.

The last thing she did was make up her own word. I love to make learning fun!

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