Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Planting a Rainbow

We have pretty much finished up our March studies on Ireland, St Patrick's Day and rainbows. It's been a fun month with lots of fun activities.

One of my favorites was planting a rainbow with the girls. We went to Home Depot and Lowes and loaded up on a rainbow of flowers.

Adam built us a little flower box to put around the mailbox. I've wanted a flowery mailbox since we bought our house but when we moved here the mailbox was on the other side of the street. We just got permission this year to move it to our side. I'm ecstatic!  (It's the little things, y'all!)

I would tell you the names of all the flowers but I'm no botanical expert and my dearest Aubrey child confiscated all the picks from the containers which named the flowers and gave instructions on how to care for them.

"It was trash, Momma."

I do know that most of them are pansies and there are also a couple marigolds thrown into the mix (orange was a tough flower to find).

After we had planted our rainbow we needed to water it. The sun shining behind the shower made a lovely rainbow in the road.

Science Sunday


Theresa said...

I love the rainbow!! Sooo pretty & spring-y!!!

Mary Prather said...

Little things like this make such a difference in my pretty! I am new to your blog and will visit often!