Friday, April 1, 2011

We Have Larvae

For the next several weeks we will be studying flying insects using Apologia's Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day as a reference. We will be working our way through this study with another homeschooling family. You can meet Rose here.

Rose and I bought  grow your own butterfly kits from Insect Lore at Hobby Lobby a couple weeks ago. It took about a week for our larvae to arrive but they showed up in our mailbox last night. I was nervous about opening the box this morning. First, it was cold yesterday and I don't know how long they were in the mailbox. Second, it said open immediately but I wanted to wait for the girls to be awake so they could see it right away. Third, I was afraid of what was in there. I'm not a big fan of the creepy and the crawly.

I was pleasantly surprised, nothing too creepy. They were packaged upside down and I didn't see any movement at first but now all 5 baby caterpillars are crawling around. I'm excited to chart their growth progress over the next couple weeks!

In other news I finally bit the bullet and transplanted the rainbow plants. I hope I didn't kill them. They seem rather fragile.

Kennedy made this little flower pot at Bible study a couple weeks ago.

I have quite the collect of books waiting to be picked up from the library for our butterfly studies. I'll get a book list up soon.

Science Sunday


Crisc said...

How exciting, my friend just bought one as well and already they are getting so big =)

Laurie said...

We have a butterfly kit waiting to be used- I need to order the larvae. We have done a few of them over the years, and it is magical each time. Now I need to go find what a "rainbow plant" is! :)